Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Long Distance Relationship With A Incacerated Parent

Wen I was just 4 or 5 years old, mi best friend as well as mi fatha was sent to prison. Mi fatha was sent to Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining,NY for 16-32 years. Because of my age, I pretty much didnt know that for the next 16-32 years of my life, forever, there would be a missing part of meh. As the yrs progressed, mi fatha's absence weighed heavily on meh! I Was actin' out in skool and @ home! I felt as though people owed meh something, even tho I couldn't put mi finger on it! As of today, mi foolish wayz have stop and deze dayz I try mi best to spread the word bout how special it is to develop a relationship with your incarcerated parent. Mi fatha and I have sumthin special and currentli were both focusin on our skool work. He's enrolled in a masters for theology program at Mercy College Were also writin a book called My Father and Me that speaks out bout the importance of a father and daughter relationships and how hard it is to develop one with your father being in prison and vice versa!
Daily news report one story of one of the robberies connected to my father.

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