Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
3nt3rtainm3nt N3wz
Wat is ur 0pini0n 0f th3 Chris Br0wn and Rihanna situati0n? I p3rs0nally b3li3v3 that n0b0dy r3ally n0s3 wat happ3n b3tw33n th3m s0 n0 0n3 shuld p0int a fing3r. At th3 3nd 0f th3 day, 3v3ryb0dy mak3z mistak3s n Chris Br0wn and Rihanna ar3 includ3d just b3caus3 th3y ar3 c3l3brti3s. At first, i aut0matically p0int3d th3 fing3r @ Rihanna statin dat sh3 pr0v0k3d him 2 hit h3r. aft3r a c0upl3 0f w33kz, I r3aliz3d that n0 0n3 is p3rf3ct and h3 may hav3 actually hit h3r. Wh3n da pics 0f h3r all3gg3d abus3d sh0w3d, i ;augh3d, but i caught my s3lf to st0p n think as w3ll as put mys3lf in h3r sh03s. H0w did sh3 f33l wh3n sh3 l3arn3d that da picz of h3r bruis3s w3r3 air3d all ar0und da w0rld.. i wuld n3va d0 that again tho...(l0lz)
Check out Rihanna's abused face....
Check out Rihanna's abused face....
Th3 0sb0rn3 Ass0ciati0n
Th3 0sb0rn3 Ass0ciati0n is a n0n-pr0fit 0rganizati0n that h3lps childr3n with incarc3rat3d par3ntz d3v3l0p b3tt3r b3n3ficial r3lati0nshipz. I'v3 b33n in this pr0gram f0r tw0 y3arz n chang3 and th3y hav3 h3lp3d m3h build a w0nd3rful r3lati0nship with my fath3r. Th3 0sb0rn3 ass0ciati0n takez th3 childr3n wh0 ar3 involv3d in the program t0 tripz lik3 b0wling, appl3 picking, playz and a bunch 0f 0th3r activiti3z. i writ3 thiz bl0g b3caus3 if y0ur r3ading this bl0g and u wuld lik3 2 g3t involv3, w3th3r u hav3 a m0th3r 0r fath3r in pris0n, Th3 0sb0rn3 Ass0ciati0n may b3 th3 w0nd3rful plac3 f0r u 2 c0m3 n n0t b3 judg3d.
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